In order to explore the knowledge of selected concepts, we will analyze and then answer the
to you the questions posed above. The purpose of this post will be to discuss the impact of therapy
Medek on improving mobility and development in children who have problems with disorders of the
neurological disorders in the locomotor system. We will provide you with the latest review
information regarding Medek therapy (CME). We will explain its workings, principles, sample
exercises and movements used, which will illustrate to you the course of a rehabilitation session.
We will also share examples from the lives of infants who have noticed improvements as a result of the
therapy. We hope the study will provide valuable data and encourage you to
consider Medek therapy (CME) as a rehabilitation option for your infant.
● What is Medek therapy?
● Can the therapy make a difference in my child’s life?
● Will the therapy prove to be appropriate for my child?
● What are developmental delays?
How do you define developmental delay?
Developmental delay is a condition in which an infant does not reach typical developmental milestones for his or her age
developmental milestones. These delays may be in the areas of large and small motor skills,
language, cognitive, social or emotional development. Developmental delays
can have a significant impact on the lives of infants or children, moreover, they can make it difficult for them to
performing basic as well as complex activities of daily living.
When an individual delay is present, functional therapy may be necessary to
to make up for the infant’s current deficiencies. An example of therapy that can have a good
affect your child is Medek therapy (CME – Cuevas Medek Exercise).
CME therapy uses exercises and movements, integrated with stretching of muscles
that are excessively tight, to help infants develop the motor skills needed in
everyday life. Medek therapy can prove to be an excellent therapeutic option for an
infant with developmental delays, as it helps improve their development and
enables them to perform daily activities more easily and independently, such though
such as, holding their head independently or sitting up, not to mention crawling, etc.
Should one be concerned if individual milestones are not enforced milestones?
Child development milestones are skills that infants and children should be
able to perform at a certain age or month, such as, among others, responding to
sounds occurring in a certain place, forward support with head raised, babbling,
babbling, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, etc. There is no doubt
There is no doubt that if an infant does not reach the queried milestones, it may
indicate a developmental delay, however, not in every case! It is important to remember that
people differ, some learn faster others slower, some need time others just the
the opposite, the same is true for children. To determine whether your child is struggling with
developmental disorders, consult a doctor and a pediatric physiotherapist, who will
will help you dispel any doubts!
Types of developmental delays:
Delays in large motor skills: These refer to delays in the development of large groups of
muscles and general mobility of the child. Distinctions include crawling, walking,
jumping, sitting or running.
● Fine motor delays (small motor skills): Refer to delays in
development of small muscle groups or manual dexterity, such as those used for
grasping, making precise movements with the hands, manipulating objects
Or links in hand-eye coordination.
● Language delays: These refer to: delays in speech development, language skills
language or singing,
● Cognitive delays: Refer to delays in the development of skills in
reasoning, memory, learning, remembering and reproducing activities,
problems with stabilization of, for example, eye muscles – strabismus, delays in the development of
problem-solving skills,
● Social and emotional delays: Refer to delays in the development of
social and emotional skills, such as the ability to form
interact with others, create threads of communication, maintain eye contact
eye contact, expressing emotions appropriate to the situation, or the ability to form
attachments with others.
Due to the developmental delays present, children may exhibit an
intensified sense of frustration and isolation. The most important things for them are understanding and
attention. Do not ignore your child’s attempts to get attention!
Sometimes such signaling can help you notice a specific developmental delay
developmental delay.
What are the characteristics of Medek therapy, will it help my child?
Medek therapy is a form of rehabilitation for children and infants that is gaining in effectiveness
with developmental delays, which was initiated by Ramon Cuevas in collaboration with Ester
Fink.The therapy is defined as physiotherapeutic improvement with an element of kinetic stimulation
kinetic, based on the stimulus of gravity, which influences the development of the
child’s mind. It is designed not only for children with developmental delays, but
also for children and infants with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome,
brain disorders including microcephaly/hypocephaly, and reduced tension
(muscular hypotonia).
It is through the highly set goal of stimulating the hardest to reach area, in the
brain, which is the potential. Generating a pulse through a sequence of exercises with the
appropriate dynamics gives a sustained and effective therapeutic pattern, in catching up with time,
lost through delays occurring for various reasons.
Medek is based on the principles of developmental kinesiology and uses carefully selected
by the therapist of exercises or movements that significantly affect the development of motor skills
motor skills. The movements and exercises used are designed to provoke the child’s body
to the emergence of so-called postural reactions and improve stabilization through
induced equilibrium positions. The core is stability. If it is triggered,
then the next process is to stimulate it, in varying variations of techniques, which
leads to the brain learning new skills. This creates new
neuronal connections in the brain and perpetuates them in the form of skills.With specially selected tables
and platforms it is possible for your child to attempt to take his first steps.
By fixating (stabilizing) the child’s ankle and knee joints in one of the
specialized platforms with the assistance of a physiotherapist, movements are possible that stimulate the
action of the nervous system and the child’s postural muscles involved in, among other things, standing or walking. The described abilities turn out to be crucial to the further life of the
daily life of patients, since without them self-sufficiency and independence from a caregiver. Moreover, through activities designed to encourage interaction with others, the child can learn to communicate and cooperate with others. It can help them form meaningful relationships and build strong social skills.
With carefully selected techniques, the infant can make significant progress in cognitive development
cognitive development. This starts with the fact that an electromagnetic pulse runs through all parts of our body
an electromagnetic impulse runs through, sending out a variety of information, and one of these may be an
such as the impulse to release the speech apparatus. It is significant that the muscles do not always know
what to do, and the mere stimulation of only one area of the body, causes a problem in achieving the
effect in the form of at least speech, since more stimuli are needed. Thus, swallowing or
breathing are all involved as well. At the moment when the
stabilize the head and the subsequent motor segments of the body the clearer the apparatus becomes
speech, we hear and see the effect. The face works symmetrically. Therapeutic effects
Confirmed by Neurologopedist.
Finally, let’s look at the socialization benefits of Medek therapy. Through activities
designed to encourage interaction with others, the infant can learn to communicate
and cooperate with others. This can help them form meaningful relationships and build
strong social skills. This is also due to the form of therapy provided, in which the
the next step is not only to teach the parent the elements of the exercises selected at a given stage
exercises, but the naturalness of the course of the whole thing.
Will the therapy prove suitable for my child?
Medek therapy has great therapeutic value both for children with developmental delays
developmental delays, but also for parents who are carefully searching for the best solution
for their child. With regular practice and repetition, the child can make steady
progress in motor development, which is continuously reviewed through a specially
developed protocol that evaluates the child’s abilities and progress. Medek therapy can have a
positively impact an infant’s motor, cognitive and social development. With
exercise guidance provided by the therapist, the infant or child,
can make steady progress in his or her development and reach untapped potential. It should be,
therefore, decide individually whether the described therapy will prove to be suitable for our child.
Do not think long! The most important thing is the future of your children!
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