I am a qualified physiotherapist with more than 10 years of professional experience. I gained my knowledge and skills working with children both in Poland and abroad. Being able to work in England, France and Italy gave me a huge dose of knowledge about the therapies not available in Poland.
In 2015 I completed the MEDEK therapy course led by Ester Fink, the promoter of the MEDEK concept, who is owner of the Canadian Medek Center.
Holding the maxims – “Educated therapist it’s effective rehabilitation” I constantly raise my qualifications. I have completed courses and training led by the best European instructors in the field of: PNF (2nd level + the title of qualified therapist of PNF), led by Brigitte Gattlen, Manual Therapy acc. German school led by Susan Bretschneider (V levels + Medical functional training) and therapeutic massage. I take part in many scientific conferences and I follow various scientific studies in Poland and in the world.
I am constantly looking for new solutions that will help my little patients. My priority is high quality, systematic of therapy and parents’ education how to work with kid at home.
In my opinion those combined with the cooperation of the therapist’s and parent’s and child’s work can make the therapy effective.

My name is Paulina Oleksy.
I am a certified physiotherapist with over 15 years of experience.
To better prepare for working with children, I participated in various courses and trainings, including:
- “Analysis and therapy of a child at risk”
- “Method of the Developmental Movement of Veronica Sherborne”
- “Kinesiotaping”
- “Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Attachment Disorder Syndrome – Secondary Disorders”
- “Active wheelchair user – a world without barriers”
- “A child with sensory integration disorders in kindergarten and school”.
In 2017, I completed the MEDEK therapy course, led by Ms Ester Fink in Canada. By learning about new therapies and expanding my knowledge, I can better help my patients and their parents. It is important for me to help them become as independent as possible. That therapy teaches them things that they can use in everyday life. The biggest gift for me is always the smile of a little patient, because it gives me energy to continue my activities.

My name is Kasia Szałowińska.
I am a certified speech therapist with over 10 years of professional experience. I specialize in working with children with disorders in the field of: feeding, communication development, articulation, fluency, breathing and phonation functions, as well as reading and writing. I care about children’s successes both small and big. I am constantly looking for new ways to work effectively and I am constantly learning. I graduated from:
- “Neurological therapy of a small child based on neurodevelopmental concepts.”
- “Manual therapy in a speech therapy office.”
- “Therapy of the vagus nerve and improvement of the respiratory process in the treatment of patients with speech therapy disorders.”
- “Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the temporomandibular joints in the practice of a speech therapist and neurologist.”
- “How to work with children with special educational needs in kindergarten? Asperger’s syndrome, autism spectrum – through the eyes of a psychologist and teacher. “
- “The verbo-tonal method.”
During the therapy, I use many supportive methods: sign language, AAC, speech therapy, the verbotonal method, the method of Weronika Sherborn’s developing movement, elements of logorhythmics and many others. I act according to the maxim I heard from one of my mentors: “you have to adapt or find a method to a child, not a child to a method.” What I value most in my work is that children can always surprise me with something.
Opening hours: Mo-Fr 8-16
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Opening hours: Mo-Fr 8-16
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